Our 1st Live Telegram Chat

Stox Blockchain Prediction Markets Platform
4 min readOct 17, 2017


We held our 1st live chat on Telegram with the Stox community today. A big thanks to those who participated.

Here’s a list of the questions we were asked and our answers to them.

We’ll hold more sessions soon, so stay tuned.

What was the pre ico price?

ICO price was 200STX=1ETH. Pre-ico price was the same but included bonuses based on volume.

Will you pay the bittrex and binance listing fee (actually pay it, not just be prepared to pay it)?

As we mentioned on our Medium post regarding exchanges, we have a clear strategy on how we are adding them. We are currently in-touch with 20 exchanges and our target is to add 2 of them. Bittrex and Binance our among the 20.

Things can’t happen in a day and not everything is in our hands. Of course we’ll pay fees to the exchanges we choose.

Will you prioritize big exchanges like kraken, bitfinex, bittrex, binance in the next 2 exchanges or are we going to see again some very small exchange?

We saw what the community wants and are taking this into our consideration.. as you know, we can’t talk about individual exchanges.

Can we please not ban so many users in this chat? I think it’s good to keep an open mind.

[Answer from Amazix] Banning users is always the last thing we want to do. However, some users insult the team, and therefore, they are banned. We gave second and even third chances to most users, so it’s obvious that removing users from this channel is not what we want.

Would it be possible to disable or lower the bancor reserve ? We have too much liquidity and not enough users yet, to move the price up we would need tremendous amounts of money

We’ve only been on Bancor for one week. Let’s give it some more time before we jump to any conclusions. In addition, if you follow what Guy from Bancor mentioned, they are starting lots of Marketing campaigns and becoming more and more popular.

We want development updates

We’re working according to the roadmap, so right now we’re working on integrating smart contracts and smart wallets onto the Alpha.

We are also working on how we can use the smart contracts to enable use of STX tokens on the platform even before it is ready for predictions with real STX. We’ll share details when we finalize how this will work.

We are developing our blockchain technology so that by the end of the year events, predictions, oracles and smart wallets will all be on blockchain.

We will start posting bi-weekly development updates in the near future

The roadmap is too slowly,we can do it fast.

We will release a code soon and you are more than welcome to review and give us your comments.

Could you please go into detail about the Commologic acquisition and how the Stox team intends to use the assets and licenses they acquired. Also, if the platform is to be decentralized then why are licenses necessary?

Now that we have acquired Commologic we are exploring the online betting world and mapping potential partners. We are operating in a dynamic environment, some countries require licenses now, others may do in the future

Can anyone create predictions on Stox or only gambling companies ? Will I be able as a user to create my own prediction, put a security deposit with my stox tokens and charge a fee to users who predict ?

Yes!! Anyone will be able to!

Will stox charge a fee to use their platform? For example, I create my own prediction and I charge 0.3% fee to my users, will stox also get something out of this?

We haven’t yet worked out the model, so I can’t answer this yet.

is the progress on schedule now? Is anything falling behind?

It’s a good question! We are on track with the roadmap.. of course when projects like Bancor get priority it can affect delivery of other tasks.

Can you clear up the questions regarding blockchain devs? Does the team have them? Do they work for Stox or are contracted? Are they full time?

Here’s a link to the team page — https://www.stox.com/en/the-team .. more developers are joining the team (full time working at Stox) starting officially in the upcoming days / weeks.

And this was our final word until next time….

As much fun as this is, we need to go now. I’ll finish by saying that we will have more sessions in the near future and at different time slots, so others can participate.

One last thing, we are working on something great and will share it with you in the next few days 😉Stay tuned!

