Stox Partners with Cryptocurrency Portfolio Manager, Blox

Stox Blockchain Prediction Markets Platform
2 min readJun 21, 2018


Stox, the blockchain prediction markets platform, is set to launch a Blox-sponsored prediction campaign with real token prizes worth up to 150,000 CDT tokens. Stox is also planning on joining a growing list of crypto companies managing their crypto assets using Blox business solution.

The ever volatile crypto market demands a constant flow of data and continuous ‘’hands-on’’ involvement. Currently, traders find it increasingly difficult to keep track of their crypto assets allocated across various exchange accounts and wallets. Blox is aiming to bridge this gap by offering businesses and individuals an automatic tracking system that provides reports, analytics and data-driven insights for all crypto assets and portfolios in real time.

A Complete Solution for Cryptocurrency Analytics and Portfolio Management

‘’Blox not only makes cryptocurrency portfolio tracking easy, it will also assist us in saving time by eliminating the need to manually log our transactions into Excel sheets. I’ve yet to see anything that offers those functionalities in such an intuitive way, both for individual users and businesses. We’re excited to launch Blox prediction campaign and believe that having such a great product and Company as partners will be greatly appreciated by the Stox Community as well’’, stated Yossi Peretz, CEO of Stox.

Blox offers multiple features, across all devices

‘’We’re excited to partner with Stox to introduce Blox and its features to their strong and engaged Community. We believe that Blox will help Stox users keep track of their crypto assets and the markets in an easier way, and improve their strategies over time’’, said Alon Muroch, CEO of Blox.

To learn more about the CDT token and Blox, visit their website and follow their community on Telegram.

